The state raised the cap on the taxes the schools were allowed to raise taxes. Made clear no tax increase.
Parents First
To protect parent rights. Terrace Metrics surveys must have written parent permission. ( Active Permission)
Parents First
Third party groups must get board approval before utilizing class time for their programs. They must also get parent permission to involve their children.
The school had a policy that there were to be a student rep to the board to bring the student perspective. However since the the policy was passed not a single student had served. We had our first student rep this year!
Julie Boothe found a issue with a savings account. The school redid the deal with the bank and now we make 30,000 in interest instead of 90.
By redoing the MSDS sheets and how the school deals with the legal requirements, we saved 3000. This was one of the because we always did it this way problems.
Multiple contracts renegotiated saving the school money. These contracts had not been looked at for 10 or more years!
Budget was passed with no tax increase.
Parents First
To find out the causes of students and family’s leaving Big Spring the DIG committee was formed. Information gained through the committee will be used to improve the District.
Food service is now able to give students extra main with a small cost increase. This was to give athletes the ability to get more calories for there days. Thank Julie Boothe for driving this.
The District was behind on policy updates. Over 100 policy’s had not been updated in over 10 years. Committee was created.
Taxes & Sports
With the growth in girls wrestling more space was need. A space was found with out the need for new buildings to be constructed. Thank you Mike and Facilities.
Parents First
Parents were tired of half days and extra days off in the middle of the week due to in-service days. Moved them to Mondays and Fridays to make life easer on the parents. Enjoy the longer weekends.